Markentum Team's Posts

Digital Savvy For
Senior Living Marketers.

At Markentum, we geek out on marketing trends, insights, and emerging technologies from all over the senior living market. Here’s what’s on our minds now.

How Baby Boomers Interact with Social Media

One of the biggest misconceptions with social media is who actually uses it. More often than not, social media is seen as a millennial's game and not popular amongst the senior demographic, but research is showing that is not the case.

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Benefits of Facebook Live for Your Senior Living Community

Markentum is here to be your internet marketing guru! We want to help your senior living community focus on the social media strategies that will benefit your community and your business.

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4 Digital Marketing Mistakes: Are You Making Them?

If you’re new to the game and you’re trying to avoid mistakes, Markentum has you covered. We want to share four common mistakes made by newcomers, and even some veterans, of the marketing field and how to avoid them.

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Achieving a Tone of Voice for Your Senior Living Brand

With thousands of senior living communities to compete with, Markentum understands that establishing a tone of voice for your brand is essential to give your company a unique personality.

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Importance of Customer Service in the Senior Living Industry

As the Director of Partner Success at Markentum, we believe in creating a stress-free experience for our senior living clients that include individualized attention, education, and support!

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