Paid Advertising

Leveraging Insights
To Improve
Marketing Performance.

Nothing is worth doing unless you can measure it and achieve the results you want. Markentum takes client analytics and reporting seriously, because we want you to always know how your marketing engine is performing. It’s another example of our firm belief in collaboration and communication.

Markentum Clients Clearly See What’s Working and What’s Next.

  • Easy to understand data reports.
  • One-on-one monthly strategy sessions.
  • Data-driven campaign insights.
  • Full-spectrum corporate and community reporting.

A Closer Look at Comprehensive Analytics.

Here’s what to expect when working with us.

Critical thinking.

What’s working? What improvements can be made? We investigate your analytics and discuss how they are all contributing to your overall growth, then we use that to develop a strategy for the future.

Community performance.

A successful strategy for your community in Florida won’t necessarily work for your community in New York. We track what’s working and what’s not for your communities and evaluate how to effectively reach each community’s target audiences.

Value analysis.

Return on investment is important, and your investments are extremely valuable. We capture and evaluate data to help you understand how your marketing can be tied back to your bottom line.

Performance Reporting for Every Platform.

We break down performance into detailed reports. Together, we’ll make sure your marketing engine is optimized for both the short and long run.

Web & search insights.

Attracting your desired audiences is important. We provide a custom look at who is engaging with your website and where they are coming from.

Lead nurturing.

It’s no secret that lead nurturing can result in more move-ins. We take a look at your customer data to see what touch resulted in a move-in or increased engagement and drive improvements over time.

Social channels and content.

Monitor paid social campaigns, manage social engagement, and see what content sparks website actions with the use of metrics.

Call tracking.

We help you determine where all of your calls are coming from so you can more effectively spend your marketing dollars.

Persona building.

Our unique strategy helps you build a database of personas that helps your communities learn the type of person who continues to look for your services and those most likely to take action.

Pay-per-click advertising.

When you are spending money on various types of pay-per-click advertising, it’s important to know how each campaign, ad, CTA, and landing page is performing.