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Marketing Guides
For Marketers.

Give your marketing momentum with our free marketing guides.

Fundamentals of Lead Generation

Markentum’s free eBook, Fundamentals of Lead Generation through Digital Marketing, walks through the different areas of digital marketing and how your senior living community can leverage each one to reach your audience and convert strangers to leads.

Get Started Creating Effective PPC Campaigns

If you’re considering a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign, you may have a lot of questions. PPC is a multi-step process, so we’ve laid out a PPC checklist to guide to get you started.

Improve Your Search Rankings & Performance

Download Markentum's On-Site SEO Optimization Checklist to learn a few actions you can take to start improving your website today!

Social Media Marketing Tips

Download our quick, tip guide! Even if your goal isn’t to become the top Facebook account, it is important to apply social media marketing strategies!

Markentum’s Growth Philosophy Values

Explore our philosophy values and how they help Markentum be innovative and effective in our digital marketing efforts.

Fundamentals of Lead Generation

Discover how your senior living community can leverage digital marketing to reach your audience and convert strangers to leads.

Enhance Your Social Media Marketing

Improve your social media presence for your senior living community.

Uncover Successful Web Development Practices

Learn how to build a lead generation machine for your senior living community.

Build an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Start creating content that matters to your senior living audience.
